Fakta-fakta Selektif

Mari membaca soal fakta selektif yang mewarnai pemberitaan di sejumlah media massa (konteksnya AS). Klik tautannya di sini.

Fakta2 selektif yang dimunculkan oleh sejumlah media massa tertentu bisa membuat kita terkungkung dalam gelembung informasi yang membuat kita nyaman karena sesuai dengan pendirian kita.

Ini adalah salah satu kutipan yang menarik untuk disimak:

/…/ Selective facts occur because news and social media companies focus predominantly on their readers’ interests. Media organizations maximize readership and increase profits by creating and sharing content that their readers want to read. If you’re a journalist, you’re incentivized to write articles that get many views and are “newsworthy,” thus helping your publication make money through advertising revenue. When these “engaging” articles are published, social networks like Facebook and Twitter use data from our daily media choices to determine what “relevant” content to show us next, maximizing our time spent in their apps—and their profitability.

As readers, we also suffer from what’s called confirmation bias: We tend to seek out news organizations and social media posts that confirm our views. Selective facts occur precisely for this reason. When trying to maximize readership and revenue, news sources and social networks pick and choose content that their audience wants to read about—and whatever content the audience picks is likely to confirm their pre-existing views. The publisher and social media algorithms learn what the audience wants to hear, gives it them, and the selective cycle continues.

Gue selalu berusaha berjuang soal ini. Ini berkaitan dengan modus mengetahui kita sebagai manusia, yang hidup di dunia yang kompleks. Di dalam modus mengetahui kita tsb. terdapat pula afeksi, syak wasangka, dan pendirian2 etis tertentu. Ini membuat pelik. Hehehe

Kamar 5 Munggarani, 21/11/2017 16:16 WIB

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