Carlo Rovelli: Filsafat dan Fisika Saling Membutuhkan

A knowledge of the historic and philosophical background gives that kind of independence from prejudices of his generation from which most scientists are suffering. This independence created by philosophical insight is—in my opinion—the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth.

(EINSTEIN, dikutip oleh Rovelli)

Daripada bengong ga jelas, yaudah deh mending gue baca artikel yang ditulis Carlo Rovelli, fisikawan teoretik Italia, di situsweb Scientific American: Physics Needs Philosophy / Philosophy Needs Physics.

Carlo adalah penulis buku populer seperti Seven Brief Lessons on Physics (versi bahasa Inggris, 2015), Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity (versi b. Inggris, 2016), dan yang terbaru The Order of Time (versi b. Inggris, 2018).

Di artikel ini, melawan anggapan sejumlah fisikawan, macam S. Weinberg, de Grasse Tyson, Stephen Hawking (filsafat sudah mati karena fisikawan sekarang yang memegang obor untuk menerangi pertanyaan2 besar filosofis, katanya di buku Grand Design), soal irrelevansi filsafat bagi sains (dalam kasus tiga tokoh di atas, berarti, fisika), Rovelli menulis,

philosophy has always had, and still has, far more influence on physics than commonly assumed. A certain current anti-philosophical ideology has had damaging effects on the fertility of science. The recent momentous steps taken by experimental physics are all rebuttals of today’s freely speculative attitude in theoretical physics. Empirical results such as the detection of the Higgs particle and gravitational waves, and the failure to detect super-symmetry where many expected it, question the validity of philosophical assumptions common among theoretical physicists, inviting us to engage in a clearer philosophical reflection on scientific method.

Menarik tulisan ini, karena Rovelli mencoba mengaitkan perdebatan di atas dengan perdebatan antara mazhab Isokrates dan Akademia Plato(n) soal pendidikan ilmu praktis (posisi Isokrates) dan ilmu abstrak alias filsafat (posisi Plato[n]). Perdebatan ini, dari sisi Plato(n) dilanjutkan oleh seorang muridnya yang brilian: Aristoteles.

Untuk detilnya, silakan baca sendiri ya.

Kamar 5 Munggarani, 20/7/18 12:44 WIB

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