Filsafat Lubang

Apa itu lubang? Kenapa kayak beginian jadi pertanyaan filosofis yak?

Suki Finn nulis,

One of the big philosophical questions about holes is whether they are actually things themselves or, as the German-Jewish writer Kurt Tucholsky suggested in ‘The Social Psychology of Holes’ (1931), whether they are just ‘where something isn’t’.

Haha ada2 aja yak. Artikel ini jadi salah satu obat penahan sakit kepala yang akhir2 ini bikin aktivitas terganggu.

Nih pertanyaan lagi:

Are holes material things, where material things are physical (like tables and chairs), or are holes immaterial things, where immaterial things are not physical (like abstract entities)? Or are holes not even things at all?

Baca sendiri deh eseinya ya.

Kamar 5 Munggarani, 9/7/18 18:37 WIB

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